List of theses
List of EMMIR Theses
Below is an anonymized list of thesis titles from graduates of the previous editions of EMMIR. If you are interested in viewing a particular paper, please get in contact with the coordination office in Oldenburg at via our contact form with more information related to your request.
Edition 10
"I Look at the Sea Hoping He’ll Come Home!”: Understanding the Phenomenon of Missingness Across the Mediterranean Through Narratives of Migrant Families
The Eritrean Regime’s Extraterritorial Authoritarian Practices: The Case of the Eritrean Diaspora Tax
Reintegration of ‘Voluntary’ and Forced Return Migrants in Nigeria: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Aspirations
Cross-Border Mobility: A Comparison of South Sudanese and Congolese Refugees in Uganda and Afghan Refugees in Pakistan
Nostalgia, Homemaking, and Waiting Among Ukrainian Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection in the Czech Republic
Education Integration of Migrant Students in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: A Comparative Study of Education Policies and Practices in Norway and Canada
Governing Migration in the Urban Labour Market Integration: A Case Study of Manaus and the Venezuelans
Prevailing Challenges and Intersection of Factors: The Circumstances of Ethiopian Women Migrant Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia
Navigating Quebec’s Network of Migrant-Serving Civil Society Organisations: Perspectives from Migrants and Key Practitioners
Climate Justice for Kenyan Nilotic Pastoral Groups and Climate-Induced Migration in Kenya: An Autoethnographic Exploration of an Agĩkĩũyũ Kenyan Citizen
Neocolonial Border Regimes: The Case of Tunisian Returnees
Migration Through the Darién Gap
Development of Bangladeshi Migrant Entrepreneurship in Italy
Addressing Teachers' Needs in Teaching Portuguese as a Welcoming Language for Adults: A Case Study from São Paulo City
Between Integration and Transnationalism: A Multiple Case Study of Ukrainian Mothers with Temporary Protection in France
Border and Bordering: Hazaras' Experience of Crossing Multiple Borders
Structural Barriers to Activism Among Ethnic Minorities in Europe: A Study of the Roma Population in Norway
Transnational Social Protection and Displacement: Experiences of Ukrainian Refugee Families with Children Living with Disabilities in the Czech Republic
Exploring the Journeys of Women Refugees from Eastern DR Congo: An In-Depth Analysis of Their Migration Experiences and Resourceful Skill Utilisation for Survival in Nakivale
Climate Routes: Including Justice and Human Mobility in Climate Change Narratives
Challenges for Migrants in the Unregulated Private Rental Market of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Indian Diaspora in Norway: Transnational Capabilities and Transnational Activities
Hear Me Beyond Violence: Art as a Voice in Addressing Gender-Based Violence Among Syrian Refugee Women in İzmir, Türkiye
From Humanitarianism to Development: Is It Actually Responsibility Sharing?
"Illegal" Motherhood of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon: An Arts-Based Research
Breaking the Paradigm of Mexico as a Transit Country: Labour Insertion of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Mexico
Understanding Irregular Chinese Migration After the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Integration of Migrant Children in the Mexican Education System: Experiences on the Southern Border
Edition 9
Caught in Racist Regularity: Exploring the Exploitation of Migrant Workers From the EU in the German Food Production Sector
Poetry of Leaving – an Auto/Biographical Journey Through Decision-Making Rhizome of Contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina (E)Migrations
The Aspirations and Capabilities of Forced Migrants and Their Integration Into the Labour Market in Lower Saxony, Germany
The International Community's Influences on the Refugee Policies of African States: The Cases of Tanzania and Kenya
Perceptions, External Influences, and Their Impacts on Migration Policies in Sudan
Effect of Displacement on Gender Roles/Family Structure - Focus on Camp Residents in NW Syria
Teaching Migration: Between Assimilation and Social Cohesion: Towards Multicultural and Intercultural Education
Notions of Sense of Belonging: Young Migrants in Berlin
“Home Sweet Queer Home”: A Study on the Homing Experiences of LGBTQI+ Refugees Living in the Netherlands
Escaping to the Lion’s Den: Legal Responses of the European Human Rights Regime and Common European Asylum System to Forcibly Displaced Persons
Between Assimilation and Social Cohesion: Towards Multicultural and Intercultural Education
Winds of Change: Social Imaginations of Wind Energy in Norwegian Sápmi
Comment tu t’appelles: Naming Decision and Identity: The Case of Taiwanese Immigrants in France
The Complex Process of Becoming: Exploring Undocumented Migrant Activism in Barcelona
Mastering the Art of Representation? Food, Culture, and Minorities in Bon Appétit
The Method in the Madness: A Metacommentary on the Process of Doing Research on Immigration in Denmark
Crossing the US-MX Border as an Indigenous Child: Migration and Repatriation of Mexican Indigenous Children to Tijuana, Mexico
The Rise of Populism and Its Impacts: The Case of the Czech Republic?
The Relation Between the Integration Process for LGBT* Refugees and Temporary Accommodations in Brazil and Germany – A Comparative Study
UN-HEARD, UN-SEEN: Conceptualization of the Unjust Notion of the Vulnerability Framework With Respect to the Illegal Pushbacks of Male Migrants
Ethiopian Diaspora Groups in Germany and Their Peacebuilding Engagements in Ethiopia in the Context of the Post-2018 Ethiopia-Eritrea Peace Process: The Case of the Tigray and the Amhara Diaspora Associations
Therapeutic Accompaniment as a Mental Health Strategy - Challenges and Possibilities of Practice for Asylum-Seekers at CAR Bobadela, the Portuguese Refugee Reception Centre
Perspectives of Spontaneous Asylum Seekers in Portugal
Surviving and Thriving: Visual Home Narratives From Extutelados Young Migrants in Spain, Barcelona
A Qualitative Study on the Key Challenges Faced by the Italian Anti-Trafficking System in Implementing Projects Aimed at Fighting Severe Labour Exploitation, i.e., Caporalato, in Italy
Immigrants’ Labor Integration in Comparative Policies: The Labor Market Integration Regarding the Civil Servants and the Immigrants' Mutual Experience in Germany and Norway
Edition 8
The Dynamics of Migration Aspiration: Temporary Distributed Migration Aspiration Among Ethio-Eritreans Immigrants in Oldenburg, Germany
Political Participation and Representation of Migrant Organizations: the case of the Municipal Council for Immigrants in the city of São Paulo
How does the Norwegian majority population perceive their responsibility to facilitate the social inclusion of newly arrived refugees?
Subverting the Mainstream Representation of Migration. Migrant Filmmaking in the NGO 'Cinemaximiliaan'
Exported stigma: how Gambella refugees face ongoing forms of discrimination from other Ethiopian co-nationals in Nakivale settlement, Uganda
Linkages between Climate Induced Migration and Education: The case of Dhaka, Bangladesh
”Finding Free Zones” Women affected by Honor-Based Violence - A Case Study of Social Services in Uddevalla, Sweden
Trapped in Paradise? Rejected asylum seekers in Mayotte and their strategies to face the challenges of imposed immobility. An ethnographic case study
Turning Up The Heat: A Conceptual Model Of The Impact Of Global Climate Change On Migration Trends and Health Indicators
Between protection and criminalization. The case of young Moroccan asylum seekers in the Netherlands
Negotiating the Accommodation of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Streets of Paris: the Interactions of Migrants, the French State and the NGO Utopia 56
Insights from Insiders: Experience of Vietnamese Nurses in Germany in the Bilateral Programme since 2013
Comparative study of the legal responses of the European and Inter-American protection systems to the “mass influx” of forcibly displaced persons due to “humanitarian crisis”.
Eradicating Statelessness: the Brazilian Legal Framework Analysed under the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (1961) and Hannah Arendt’s Concept “The Right to Have Rights” (1951)
Why do people get trafficked again? Ethiopian experiences of reintegration through the use of blockchain technology
The American Dream by Transnational Mothers: The Case of Undocumented Moms from East of Minas Gerais in the United States
Integrating conventional and traditional medicines in a Ugandan refugee settlement to facilitate refugee communities ́ access to healthcare in light of resource scarcity
An Evaluation of the Intermediaries in the Migration Process: A Case of Bangladesh
Brain Drain, Brain Gain or Brain Circulation: attitudes towards migration and return among high-skilled Brazilians researchers
“And what about work?” – the case of asylum seekers from Venezuela in Colombia and their struggle for integration
Migration, Mobility and Termination of Pregnancy: women’s experiences and navigation strategies in the inner city of Johannesburg - A Case Study
Opportunities for Reform: Corporate Governance of Migrant Workers’ Rights in Qatar
The analysis of the integration methods for young migrants in Bulgaria
Social participation of children with migration background in Germany
Re-examining the Implementation of UNHCR’s Durable Solutions: A Case Study of Indonesia, a Non-Signatory Country to the Refugee Convention
Ethiopian Diaspora’s Transnational Development Activities in Country of Origin; The Case of Tigrai Development Association (TDA), Germany Chapter
Empowered and Recognized through Volunteering: Successful stories of immigrants in Oldenburg and Delmenhorst
The Reintegration of Former Yazidi Child Soldiers in Northern Iraq – An Analysis of Protective Factors
Labor Market Integration of Eritrean Refugees in Germany
Edition 7
Understanding the dynamics of Gambian youth mobility aspirations and transnational migration to Europe A case study of unskilled youths from Upper River Region of the Gambians
Unveiling Somali-born women’s voices? - An Exploratory and Comparative Narrative Feminist Research on Young, Somali-born Women’s Experiences and ‘Gendered Identities’ in Uganda and Sweden
I'm not an animal - A comparative, feminist narrative research on gender(ed) identities and lived experiences exploring notions of ‘being a LGBTQI forced migrant’
Forced migrant children, daily stressors and psychosocial well-being - a case study of an educational intervention in Johannesburg
Resilience and Protective factors: unaccompanied children in the “mental asylum”, Moria Refugee Camp
Reunited Filipino families in Barcelona, Spain
Perceptions of teachers based in refugee settlements in Uganda about integrated social-emotional learning as one of the avenues of school-based psychosocial support
Migrants and Entrepreneurship : Nepalese migrant Entrepreneurs in Ceske Budejovice
Authoritarianism and activism outside the state borders The case of Berlin-based Azerbaijani activism platform Meydan TV
Drivers and Challenges of Migrant Entrepreneurs in Slovenia: The Case of Trubarjeva Street, Ljubljana
Exploring “Brain Drain”, “Brain Gain” and “Brain Circulation” concepts: Case of Serbian physician/academic associations in Norway
From Colonial Subjugation to Post-Colonial Migration Management: Border Drawing through Citizenship Restrictions
The role of performing arts in the integration of migrants and promotion of intercultural dialogue The case of a dance and storytelling workshop conducted in the Neighbourhood of Ballarò, Palermo.
No one size fits all: Re-think refugee management approaches in North & South through mobilities paradigm and refugees’ access to labor markets. A Comparative Case Study of Germany and Uganda.
''Bridging Home And Abroad'' Integration Program And Experiences of Relocated Eritrean Refugees In Slovenia
Narratives about asylum testimonies: experiences of storytelling practices. -A case study on sub-Saharan asylum seekers living in Siena, Italy.
Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Municipalities
Investigating the Influence of Migration on Women''s Economic Empowerment. The case of Ugandan women in Berlin-Germany.
Stuck in-between : the liminal experiences of asylum seekers in Eastern Sicily and their access to the labor market
Exploring Psychosocial Health Aspects in the EU Relocation Scheme Management; The Case of Eritrean Asylum Seekers Relocated from Italy to Slovenia
Landscapes of Violence: Reconciliation through decolonising space and narrative in the rural Prairies
Listening to those who stay: The collective experience of mothers whose children have fled to the United States.
A Floating Microcosmos
Digital Nomads: navigating the law in their (labour) migration process
Migration trajectories and perception about marriage of Vietnamese in Germany
Forced displacement and voluntary migration – analysis of gendered biographies of Afghans in Turkey
Subverting Rhetoric: An Exploratory Study on the Costs of North-South Migrants in Senegal/Ghana
Theatre as a potential form of dialogue amongst nationals and foreign born immigrants in Bologna, Italy
Neither victims nor criminals – About female Venezuelan migrants’ border struggle at the Colombian-Ecuadorian border
More than money: The effect of diaspora economic and social remittances on immobile populations in Asmara, Eritrea.
Refugees and University: Access to Higher Education Institutions for Refugees in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony. Challenges and Good Practices
Edition 6
”Working from what they have not from what they need”. Solidarity and resistance, voices from NGO actors in Spanish southern borderlands.
Family Safety and Integration in Canada: A Community Based Approach, its Structural Preconditions and Ideas for Germany
Land Grabbing and Forced Migration of Bangladeshi Hindu Religious Minorities Towards India
MIGRATING FOR A BETTER LIFE? Migrant Perspectives: From Imagined Life to Long-Term Conditions
Queer Narratives - The (De)(Re)Constructions of Identity, Expression and Performances of Gender and Sexuality in Kenya.
Reducing Prejudice and Racism, Addressing Attitudes Among Adolescent Norwegians
Travelling Things: Clothing Habits and Meanings Among Ghanaians in Oldenburg
Negotiating women’s bodily autonomy – Migration and Reproductive Justice in Johannesburg, South Africa
Experiences of Female Migrant Domestic Workers from Kyrgyzstan in Istanbul and Antalya
Multi-approach analysis on identity transformation through mobile trajectories: The case of former EMMIR students
“this was the chance we got, and we take it”: a study about International students at an unrecognized State: the case of Northern Cyprus
Growing Up Precariously in the City
In search of a new narrative: Overseas migration of men and experience of their wives remain behind in rural Bangladesh
The human right to migrate: Immigration discourses and practices in Argentina
The Impact of Migration and Return Experiences on the Lives of Mexican Return Migrants
Citizenship and mobility in transition: Non-British EU nationals'' conception of citizenship, nation, and political participation since the Scottish independence referendum
Navigating the city: experiences of irregular migrants with borderscapes in the city of Madrid
(Spatial) Imaginations of Germanness. Young Sudanese and the Goethe-Institut Khartoum.
Humble, Hardworking, Violent – A critical analysis of the representation of migrants in Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung in 2015
Ghanaian Bremen. An analysis of the Ghanaian Diaspora and Bremen.
Aspects of Colonialism and Racism in contemporary German Travel Guides to Tanzania
Migration decision-making: Narratives of Polish and Swedish nurses in Norway
Second Class EUropeans? The migratory processes and the labour (im)mobilities of Romanian qualified women in Madrid
Migration Motivations of Female Polish University Graduates in Stavanger
Is Multiculturalism bad for Children? The Effects of Alternative Styles of Parenting on Children’s Welfare within Social Work in Germany
Exploring Aspects of Vulnerability in the Context of Human Trafficking among Female Kenyan International Labor Migrants
Leftist Voices: Exploring Perceptions of (National) Identity among the Left in Germany.
Edition 5
Unsettling our movements: Migrant justice activism in solidarity with indigenous struggles
Applied Theatre with Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers in Slovenia: Impacts, Critique and Reflexivity in using Theatre to generate Safe Space, Creativity and Expression
Autonomy of Migration in the border spectacle. The role of a humanitarian actor on Chios between the narratives of ‘illegal’ migrant and victimisation
The Element of Voluntariness in EU-IOM Return and Reintegration Management: A Case Study of Sudanese Returnees from Egypt
Discussions on climate change-induced migration - The case of Dominican Republic
URBAN INTERPRETERS WITH REFUGEE BACKGROUND IN ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA. Community Interpreting as a tool to overcome the refugee condition?
The Missing Link between Migrants Media Representation and Civil Society: A Case Study of the Radio Globale Project
Exploring the usages of Social Network Sites by queer asylum seekers in their struggle for recognition. The case of queer asylum seekers and queer support organizations in Berlin, Germany
Empowerment of Trafficked Persons in the German Asylum System: Opportunities and Challenges
Intersectional reading on agency, vulnerability and livelihood security of urban refugee women living in Nairobi
Orchestrating Linkages: Participatory Engagement of Yemeni Persons of Concern in UNHCR’s Community-based Protection Structures within an Urban setting.
The Effects of Privilege of White Social Workers Practicing in Nairobi
Edition 4
Rethinking Human Trafficking Prevention in Ukraine: An Alternative Approach to Anti-Policy
Occupying the Pauliceia: Migration, social movements and the claim of the urban space in São Paulo, Brazil
Beyond Survival, Towards Revitalisation: The Cultural Identity Struggle of the Rapanui People of Rapa Nui
Extension of Voting Rights to Citizens Abroad: Implications for the State and Citizens Abroad (A Case Study of Ghana)
Aspirations in the Context of Irregular Migration: The Trajectories of Syrian Asylum Seekers Arriving in Norway
Migratory Trajectories and Perspectives on Return Among Undocumented Ethiopian Migrants in Norway
Transition from Nomadism to Sedentarism - Conception, (Dis-)Advantages and Effects - Focusing on previously (semi-)nomadic pastoralists from the Beni Amir people in Eastern Sudan
Racist Violence against Asylum Seekers in Germany. The Perspective of Victim Support Organisations
Resisting violence(s): Internally displaced women in Khartoum and Mexico City
European family reunification policy - a possibility of a right? The impact of family reunification policies on Filipinas in Iceland
Diversity and Trust: A case study of King System, Oldenburg, Germany
Between the devil and the deep sea: The experiences of protracted refugee situations in the Nakivale refugee settlement
Imagining (im)mobility: A study on imageries of the West, aspirations, and (im)mobility, through the case of youth in Mbarara Municipality, Uganda
Stabilisation of Conflict-Affected Communities: Transition to peace through a value-chain-approach in Sudan
The Politics of 'Refugee' Mobility in the European Union: The case of Syrians Refugees in Germany
Patriotism in the discourses of PEGIDA on Facebook in Germany
Responding to Internal Displacement in Ukraine - Seeking Empowerment for IDPs in Host Communities
Disciplining Bodies across Borders? Migrant Women's Attitudes towards Norwegian Policies on Female Genital Cuttings
"Education is our weapon for the future" - Access and non-access to higher education for refugees in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Uganda
"How could a city be made a perfect place for everybody?" An Action Research study of pedagogical interventions towards power-reduced group dynamics in a voluntary service seminar group.
A Comprehensive Study of Four Pertinent Agents Contribution in Relation to the Education Social Exclusion Pandemic Plaguing the Roma Children of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Tahrib - "A Shortcut through Hell". A mobile view on risk taking on the journey north from the Horn of Africa
Impacts of the criminalization of immigrants in post-apartheid South Africa: The Operation FIELA Case
The case of the "scafista": a modern scapegoat?
Migration and the Underworld. A research on the dynamics between migrants and criminal organisations in Ballarò, Palermo
Bilingualism, school system and circular migration? An analysis of the struggles of Italian migrant children in German schools: A case study
Edition 3
Integration perspectives and transnational practices of Latin American immigrants in Germany
Shuttle migration and the transfer of culture and music. The lifestyle of European traveling musicians in Berlin
Unaccompanied Minor Refugees - The (non-) implementation of legal rights for the protection of minors in international and national settings
The Global Governance Refugees: An analysis of Effectiveness of Burden Sharing Approaches of European Union in the Syria Crisis
Post-conflict reconstruction in Sudan
The European Dream and its Impact on Migration: The Nigerian-Italian Case
Challenges of working outside camps; lessons for UNHCR
The Pope Francis phenomenon: towards a new approach to migration?
Refugee education and the arts horizon: an applicable model emerging from Nakivale Refugee Settlement
Social Norms and anti-Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Initiatives in Sudan: A study on the normative expectations of male university students
The impact of neoliberal organization of the welfare state on living conditions of elderly people and their relatives with immigrant background: The Case of Sweden.
Transforming Gender Relations and Power dynamics in Refugee Setting. Empowered Women, Neglected Men? Case Study from Nakivale
Contesting illegality: Europeanised acts of citizenship? A case study of the pro-regularisation movement in The Netherlands
Indigenous cosmologies in politics and well-being improvement: Bolivia as study case.
Human Trafficking of Eritreans: Sinai Torture Victims
Norwegian housing policy and integration process of refugees: the power relations between state, municipality and individual
Language and Literacy practices among the Armenian community in Montevideo
Countering Antiziganism
Experience of settlement and integration - Research based on recalled memories of Vietnamese migrants in the Czech Republic
Work related stress among the personnel working with forced migrants
Identifying causes of low participation in primary education of nomadic children, and girls in particular; assessing potential solutions to this problem in Sudan
We became a city. Representations of diversity in the urban space: a comparative analysis of Stavanger and Oldenburg
The Making of Sudan's Student Movement: a History of Student Activities and Politics at Khartoum University, 1956-1985
African Identity in the Arab World
Challenges of Male Survivors of SGBV in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda
Successful and Unsuccessful Reintegration: A case study of educated and skilled return migrant in Bangladesh
Impacts of Habitus of Immigrants on the Integration Process: The Case Study of Chinese Immigrants in Zagreb
The World System, Social Networks, and Migration to South Africa: The Case of Ethiopian Irregular Migrants in Source, Transit and Destination Countries
Edition 2
Psychosocial Support in Refugee Settings. The case of Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda
Going back with a future? The case of rejected asylum seekers returning from Norway to Russia
Modern Slavery: Ethiopian Domestic Workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
"Sauti Zetu": Songs from Nakivale Refugee Settlement. A participatory art-based research with young Congolese Refugees
Is There Empowerment Beyond Vulnerability? Ecuadorian Women Heading their Households in Madrid
ChinaLoveMatch: Does race really matter? A study of international matchmaking website
Is Political Integration actually working? An Emic-Analysis of the political integration of Ethiopian immigrants in Norway: a case of Oslo and Rogaland Region
"Technically I have two homes; yet I belong to none" - Motivations and Challenges of a transnational Passage from Germany to Istanbul for Women of the Second Turkish Migration Generation
What's in an Image? A Study of Belgium's 'Jihadi Syria-Fighters'
Migration Visualities, or How Ocular-Âcentric Directions Intervene in Dis-ordering Images and their Making
Organizational Support from Diakonie and Caritas to Irregular Migrants in Berlin, Germany
When a new "social" actor meets a historical channel of political participation: The complex approach of the 1st National Conference on Migration and Refuge in Brazil
Refugee integration in the City of Buenos Aires: an exploration on the possibilities for the advancement of labour mobility schemes
Foreign Natives?' Transnational mobility, sense of identity and citizenship: the case of UN international staff in Sudan
The Concept of Courage and Forced Migration Courage as an Aspect of Forced Migrants' Agency: Theoretical Concept and Everyday Strategy
Migration Challenges in post-revolution Tunisia: The case of Sub-Saharan migrants
Roma Civil Society Organizations in Combating Institutional Discrimination Against the Roma Population - The Case of Macedonia
The Transformation of the Immigrant Body: a study of Iranian Immigrant women in Norway
Effectiveness of Nightingale Mentoring Program - Integration and education of migrant children in Norway and Sweden
Trafficking in Human Beings, Challenges in the Identification Process: The Stavanger Case
Vulnerable Asylum Seekers: Towards an Appropriate Assessment, Special Reception Conditions and Comprehensive Care. A Critical Assessment of the BNS Network in Berlin
Edition 1
Return Migration and Gender in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Narratives of the Women Returnees in the City Banja Luka
'This Place is not magnificent': Trajectories and Narratives of Congolese Refugees at the Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Uganda
'Every day the war continues in my body' - Narrativising the Social Construction of the Wounded Body in Post Conflict Northern Uganda
Empowered and Unrecognized: Stories of Highly-Skilled Returnees in Armenia
Embodied Socialities - Female Genital Cuttings in Eastern Uganda. Contingencies, Context and Change Within a Tri-Ethnic Framework
Immigrant Childrens' Perceptions of Home: The Case of Lithuanian Children in Stavanger Municipality, Norway
A Study in Ambivalent Care. Exploring After-School Support for Migrant Children in Vienna
Becoming a Transgender/Intersex Internal Migrant in Urban Gauteng: Challenges and Experiences of Transition while Seeking Access to Medical Services
'Bones in the Wrong Soil': Reburials and Belonging in Post-Conflict Acholiland, Northern Uganda
Representation of the 'Cultural Other' through Ethnographic Museums - A Critical Analysis of the Exhibition 'Muslim Worlds'
Border and Borderlands in the Past and Present: Observing the European Union Cross-Border Cooperation Policy in the Italo-Slovene Border
Unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Slovenia: enhancing resilience through psychosocial support and social capital
Development and Human Rights Violations: The Case of Oil-Induced Displacement in Western Uganda
Protecting the Individual or Threatening the Group? A Critical Analysis of Legitimation Discourses
Formation of Diaspora through Diasporic and Transnational Linkages: The Case of Bangladeshi Immigrants in Padova, Italy
˜The other' crossing: Discursive Representations of the Management and Dynamics of the Southern Border of Spain
Welfare and Migration: Transitions into and out of Welfare Benefits Receipt Among Polish Migrant Workers in Norway
Going 'Home' for the Sake of the Nation? The Challenges Facing Southern Sudanese Women in Post-secession Khartoum
African Students in Stavanger. Everyday Life and Migratory Projects
No Voice, no Face, no Empathy. Critical Analysis of Asylum Seekers' Written and Visual Representation in Swiss Newspapers
From Refugees' Rights to States' Interests: The Expiration of Rwandan Refugee Status
Transnational Social Movements Organization: The Case of Mexico via Berlin (MvB)
Repatriation for Burmese Refugees along the Thai-Burmese Border in Protracted Refugee Situation
Would you ever go back? Never, Never! The multiculturalism hypothesis and the experience of inclusion/exclusion of Czech Roma refugees in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)
Last updated: September 2024
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